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Medical Team Takes State-of-the-Art Lasers To Armenia

On October 24, 2013, our team of three dermatology laser specialists from the US arrived in Yerevan. During the trip Dr Anderson lectured on the use of lasers for treatment of scars at the Fourth International Congress of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Dr Garibyan and Dr Jalian gave lectures on the role of laser treatments in dermatology for vascular anomalies and updated medical treatments for vascular lesions to an audience of dermatologists and plastic surgeons at Arabkir Medical Center. They evaluated 76 patients in consultation for scars and vascular malformations.  After careful evaluation and discussion of each case, digital photographs were taken and a treatment plan was devised for 44 patients..


The patients with vascular anomalies, such as port-wine stains, were not treated on this trip as the team did not have the vascular laser in Armenia for proper treatment of these patients. During the evaluations of patients with port-wine stain, it became apparent that several of them had been treated in Armenia with an inappropriate laser that gave these patients hypertrophic facial burn scars. The team is confident that with correct vascular lasers these patients could be treated appropriately. Their next goal is to develop a long-term plan to bring appropriate lasers for a permanent clinic environment in Yerevan. 2019

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